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Wamberal Public School

Wamberal Public School

Safe Respectful Learners

Telephone02 4384 1111


Communication: School to Home

Our school provides various opportunities for effective communication between families and the school through use of a wide range of strategies which seek and share information about students' achievements and learning needs, school policies, practices and community initiatives.

School Website

Our Wamberal Public School website, www.wamberal-p.schools.nsw.edu.au, contains a wide range of information about opportunities provided by our school. It is the main source of school information. Copies of notes and newsletters are available for download from the school website.  The website also contains a calendar of school events with weekly overviews of school events provided in the ‘news' section of the website.

School Newsletter

Our school newsletter, ‘Wavebreaker', is published weekly on a Wednesday. It provides information for our community about general school matters, school events, school and student achievements, P&C and canteen information as well as relevant community services and activities.

Parents can sign up to receive the newsletter by direct email to their email account as soon as the newsletter is published. Please visit our school website for details on how to sign up for this service. The school newsletter can also be downloaded from our school website.

The school newsletter can also be downloaded from the 'Newsletter' tab on the Home page of our school website .

Newsletter tab on home page

WPS Facebook Site

Our Wamberal Public School Facebook site provides information about our school's events and achievements. 

Audiri (formerly known as Skoolbag) App

Our school uses the Skoolbag App to provide ‘push' notifications about class, year and school information. Both ‘Apple' and ‘Android' versions of the app are available. Search your app provider for the ‘Wamberal Public School Skoolbag App' to download our Skoolbag app to your device.

School Notes

Information about class and school events, including permission notes, is sent home as paper copies with students. Copies are also available for download from the Notes and Audiri (formerly known as Skoolbag) APP page of our school website.

Stage News

Each term, stage newsletters are published with overviews and information about class and stage programs. Stage newsletters can be downloaded from the Notes and Audiri (formerly known as Skoolbag) APP page of our school website.

School Sign

Our school sign is located at our Lea Avenue entrance and contains details about upcoming school events.

School Assemblies

School assemblies provide opportunities to celebrate student and school achievements as well as information about current matters.

School assemblies are held on Monday each week at 12:10pm. The Years K-2 assembly is held during the odd weeks of the term and the Years 3-6 assembly is during the even weeks of the term.

Special and whole school assemblies are held at times throughout the year. Details of all school assemblies are available in the calendar section of our school website.

P&C Meetings

A report on the school's directions and achievements is provided to the community by way of the Principal's report at the monthly P&C meetings. Meeting dates are published on our school website.

All school matters raised at P&C will be referred back to the school for management.

Parent Interviews

Staff are available for face to face or phone interviews by prior mutual arrangement at any time throughout the year. Please contact our school office to make an appointment with a staff member.

Information Evenings

Stage information evenings are held at the beginning of each year and provide information for parents and families about class and stage programs.

Other information evenings are held throughout the year. Details are published on our school website and in our school newsletter.

Student Reports

A written report about each child's progress and achievements in learning, social and behavioural outcomes is provided twice per year.

Community Consultation

The school seeks parent and community feedback and provides information about a wide range of matters through various informal and formal means including meetings, surveys and forums. Details of these opportunities are published in our school newsletter.

Annual Report

The school provides a written Annual Report each year to inform our community about the school's achievements and future directions. The Annual Report is published on our school website.

School Plan

The School Plan is developed in consultation with the school community and outlines the school's priorities and directions. The School Plan is published on our school website.

Our school knows the quality of the relationship between families and schools has a direct impact on student wellbeing and educational outcomes. Our school aims to provide effective communication to support our students, families and staff. Families are encouraged to contact the school early and in a positive way to help resolve any issues by working together.